2 euro San Marino 2016 - Shakespeare BU FDC
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2 euro commemorative
Andorra 2017: 100 Years of the Anthem of Andorra
The design depicts a partial reproduction of the anthem of Andorra published in 1914. The central part of the design reproduces the first notes of the anthem flanked by an ornamentation of floral style and the inscription ‘Himne Andorrà’ (Andorran anthem). The upper part of the design shows the year of issuance ‘2017’ and the inscription ‘100 anys de l’himne d’Andorra’ (100 years of the anthem of Andorra). This coin commemorates the 100th anniversary of its admission as the national anthem of Andorra by agreement of the Consell General (Andorran Parliament) of 2 April 1917.
The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.